Monday, February 23, 2009

Quit playing and Stimulate the Economy for REAL!

Those little baby stimulus checks aren't anything... Better than nothing though right? Let's be real, they don't stimulate dog do! Why not, issue out debt cards with a credit line of $100,000 on it? Heck, every 10 years issue a huge lump sum of checks or credit, its like Economic Preventive Maintenance! "Talk about stimulating the Economy!" They could make that happen and more if they want? We are suppose to be the nation of opportunity, really our so-called leaders hearts have proved to be pew ny. Everyone wants to come here and they do, at all cost! I feel not one legal person should be hurting financially on US soil. Oh, wait... I forgot "it will never happen, this country is to GREEDY to do that."

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Thank you, LOVE unto you!

Zi the Gentleman